“Since the 18th century, even though Allopath was first introduced in India, communities have been exercising through pluralistic choices in health care. In general for treating acute conditions, emergencies and surgery, modern medicines perceived as the best option. But for chronic conditions, common ailments, prevention of diseases and for wellness promotion the choice has been AYUSH”.
Implementation of IEC Scheme (AYUSH) through NGOs for Promotion of Indian System of Medicine and Homoeopathy
MPVHA Efforts
MPVHA implemented a project on “Promotion of Indian System of Medicine and Homoeopathy (ISM & H) with support of Department of AYUSH, Government of India in Maheshwar block of Khargone district and Nalchha block of Dhar district during the period 2004 to 2006. Main objective of the project was to create and increase awareness among the community about the preventive, promotive and curative aspects of ISM & H systems, its cost effectiveness, availability of herbs used for prevention and treatment of common ailments, which are readily available, and the techniques for growing such herbs and other medicinal plants.
Major Outcomes
- Primary Health Care strengthened through home remedies in difficult areas.
Past Efforts
MPVHA had a clear vision that primary health care could be strengthened through promotion of AYUSH in the tribal and difficult pockets, where immediate health care services were not available. It conducted series of trainings for the health worker, traditional healers and AYUSH practitioners with the help of experts from AYUSH colleges and departments. The training for preparation of small recipes with the use of local herbs and condiments were organized. Booklets and other IEC material on local herbs were also published.